Okowa Is Man To Beat, Says Okubor


THE Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship candidate in Delta State, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa, has been described as the man to beat in next month’s election.

  A former PDP governorship aspirant, Dr. Festus Okubor, and Mr. Constantine Malik Ikpokpo, Executive Chairman of Isoko South Council has tipped Okowa to win the race.

  Okubor, Chairman of the Media and Publicity Committee of the Delta PDP governorship campaign, while explaining why he took up the appointment, despite losing to Okowa at the primary in December last year, said: “First, we were not in contention; we offered ourselves to serve and the governorship is only one of the positions to serve the people from.   

  “That was why there was no acrimony whatsoever among the aspirants before, during and after the party primaries in Delta State. 

  “It is, therefore, an honour to be asked to manage the Media and Publicity Committee of the campaign. It is a call to serve, deserving of total commitment and energy.”

  He described Okowa as a “role model,” who he has known since 1972 at Edo College, Benin City.

  “He is an extremely intelligent person and indeed had the best result at school certificate in his class and immediately became a role model to us and he has so carried on. 

  “He has been in politics in our state for a while and has exhibited a lot of understanding of the workings of society and showed a lot of brilliance in service delivery in many political offices culminating in his election to the senate.

  “He is naturally a dogged political fighter, tactician and strategist, with the knowledge, capacity, zeal and mindset to excel in election and office. He is also a perfect gentleman.”

  On the chances of the party at the polls, he said: “The PDP in Delta will clearly win the governorship election. We have the best candidate on offer to the electorate, we have the best political platform for electioneering and we have the record of patriotic service to the state and its people. There is no killing the proverbial beetle.”

  Okubor is not worried about the opposition’s courting of a particular district of the state, saying: “Unfortunately, the opposition is courting selected sections of the state, which universally, is the surest path to electoral failure, and they shall fail.”

  He added: On the other side, PDP is courting the entire state and that is for good reason. It is the only party that is pan- Delta with demonstrable service to the people in all the nooks and crannies of the state. 

  “Opposition parties and their candidates only appear on the political firmament of Delta State every four years at elections and disappear so soon thereafter. There is none of them that were here four years ago.   

  “So, you can understand why they will sectionally and tribalistically seek votes. They do not know the state and its roadmap to political leadership. 

  “So, courting any one tribe cannot make any impact. As PDP, we are courting the Urhobo, Isoko, Ijaw, Itsekiri and Anioma very seriously.”

  Okowa, he stated, is going to be next governor, noting: “Very sincerely, Okowa is the candidate to catch up with. He cannot and will not be beaten.

  “The fact that two of the opposition parties have their candidates from a senatorial district cannot be an issue for the PDP; it should actually make it a lot easier for the PDP to win the election. 

  “PDP will produce the next governor, in the person of Okowa.” 

  On his part, Ikpokpo, who is also the Acting Chairman of ALGON in the state, said PDP’s chances at the polls are very bright, as it controls the structure of the state from the ward to senate, saying: “We are in every home and hamlet in Delta State.”

  His Isoko nation was actually touted to produce Okowa’s running mate, but lost out to the Ijaw and opposition parties have cashed in on that by picking running mates from there.

  But this does not bother Ikpokpo, as he insisted: “Opposition will always court people; that are why they are called opposition. 

  “In Isoko, we have passed that stage. Yes, we wanted the slot for deputy governor and we didn’t get it, but we have moved on and no one can use that as bait for our people. We are wiser.”

  Okowa, he stressed, is most suitable for the job. “In terms of experience, he has it. Look at his track records, he has the capacity and reach and understands the local government system, having been a chairman himself. 

  “He embodies the working of the executive arm, having been a commissioner and secretary of government.

  “Finally, it will be easy for him to relate with the legislature, as current senator himself. 

  “There can be no better brand for Deltans. The choice of personality is clear.”

