Over The Weekend: List Of AWCABIG60 From The 4th- 6th Of December

The festivities have begun and this is just a tip of the iceberg, AWCABig60 in their unique way have made sure that every weekend won’t be a dull one, starting from this weekend. Last night was Game Night and the weekend is starting on a bright note.

This Friday, start your evening with;

ART- YADI CHINMA – Yadi Chinma would be exhibiting her exciting new work at the creative space at a Whitespace.

And then…….



Let the I am Cookie Jar chef take you away with his adventurous 5 – Course meal. Come on board flight Eros 041215 for a 2-day round trip.​
ART SALON with Wura Natasha Ogunji & FRESH FLOWERS –  artist are invited to come in to create new art works from scratch. They will be joining the likes of Osaze Amadasun, Dricky who will also be doing live illustrations within the Whitespace.To participate, RSVP – big60@aw-ca.com



@osaze_amadasun Get your portrait done during Fresh Flowers by Osaze in 3 easy steps:
1. Whatsapp him your favorite image (you can get his number directly from him at the#awcabig60 installation)
2. The first 3 people to arrive will get their portraits done there and then
3. Others get their portraits after his exams on 11th of December but before #awcabig60 is over on the 27th of December.

Portraits are going for N10,000, the first 3 people to arrive the venue get N2,000 off. See you there.

And enjoy the meal by Chef Eros.

On Sunday #AWCABIG60, we would have a continuation of Yaidi’s work and…………



The Chef’s newly opened Samantha’s Cafe would host a backyard themed brunch, with barbecues and gathering with friends and family.


