Police restore movement restriction during FCT Area Councils elections

Josephine Adeh

Police in the FCT on Saturday reversed its Friday’s announcement asking residents to move about freely during Saturday’s Area Councils elections.

Police spokesperson, DSP Josephine Adeh, stated that movement restriction had to be re-imposed following credible intelligence report at the disposal of the command.

“The restrictions will begin from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Feb. 12, with the exemption of those on essential services, participants and key players in the already scheduled WAEC examinations,’’ she stated.

She added that the restoration of movement restrictions was in the best security interest of FCT residents.

According to her, the water-tight security arrangement already put in place will enable eligible voters to exercise their civic responsibility unhindered.

Adeh urged residents to exercise their voting rights without fear of molestation or harassment of any kind, from any quarters.

She enjoined residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious or abnormal occurrence to the Police through 08032003913, 08061581938, 07057337653 and 08028940883.

Adeh pledged the commitment of the police command to ensure safe environment before, during and after the elections.


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