Preparations for divine encounter

The Lord had an important spiritual work to do in the lives of the Israelites, hence, the call to sanctify themselves.

Sanctification, on the other hand, means setting oneself apart for holy use. This was exactly what God instructed Joshua to tell the Israelites to do because of what he wanted to do with them. Obviously, this time was a critical time in the history of the children of Israel. At this time, they were to cross the river Jordan into a Promised Land.

This was the best news for the Israelites, as it marked a new beginning in their lives. The Israelites were to enter a long-awaited Promised Land and enjoy all the good things the Lord had promised them. In the same vein, the Lord wants the citizens of Kingdom Power to get themselves ready for 21-day fasting and prayers, which began on the first day of March 2022. This exercise will help prepare the people spiritually for an eternal home in heaven. As many that will set themselves apart in this fasting and praying will accomplish so much in their spiritual lives.

The Lord wants to perfect His saints through this programme. He wants to prepare citizens of Kingdom Power and show forth the power of redemption in their lives. Unfortunately, many do not believe in the perfection of the saints because they are not free from sin. The programme will unfold the full essence of redemption in the lives of believers. The pictorial righteousness of Christ will be unravelled in the course of this programme. The church needs to go back to the standard of the scriptures and this is what the 21-day fasting and prayers are out to achieve.

The fasting, among other things, seeks something spectacular in the lives of participants. This will further strengthen the spiritual muscles of participants, so, they can face the world of sin and declare the word of God to them without compromise. God is fully out to replicate the lives of heaven on earth. Holiness, which is the nature of God, will be impacted in the lives of participants. Some do not believe in practical holiness, even Christians! But holiness is so easy because it is one step at a time, as we journey here, on earth.

Scripturally, there is a pattern for fasting and prayers contrary to what the church has adopted today. In the book of Isaiah 58, the Lord set a pattern for the church and reproves the modern-day fasting and prayers in areas Christians exact their labour and concentrate in secular activities only to come together in the evening to round off a prayer that was never said! This is the reason prayers are not answered after long days of fasting. It is high time the church return to the approved scriptural fasting and prayers, so, we can have the expected results.

Join us as we start this journey of 21-day fasting and prayer, which started on Tuesday, March 1, 2022.

For further reading: Exo. 3:1-8; 14:22; Gen. 15:13; Joshua 3:13-17; Acts 11:26; 17:6; Matt. 5:48; Habakkuk 2:14; 1 Cor. 6:20; Isaiah 58:1-6; Luke 24:49, 53; Acts 1:12-14; Acts 6:4; Joel 1:13-20; Joel 2:12. You can fellowship with us @ Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre, 65, Oluwatedo Road, Cele Road, Isashi, Ojo, Lagos State. For further details visit: You can also follow us live on Facebook @kpicpc & YouTube @ kpicpc.


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