Quality of teachers critical to learning, says Osahogulu

“We charge the lowest school and accommodation fees in the country. Last year, and all the years I have been vice chancellor, we have been charging N7, 000 as accommodation fee. This session, we increased it to N10, 000 for the old buildings and N15, 000 for the newly renovated ones.

Interestingly, a staff member, who is a hall warden, told some students not to pay the fees online that he would help them out. He demands for N30, 000 from them and the students stupidly pay. Now, he wants to pay some money into the university, but we are saying, ‘hold it,’ because we are investigating the matter.

“Somehow, we have been able to block some of the leakages and that is why we can have some money to run the institution. There was a time that we were borrowing from banks to run the institution. The provost I took over from left a debt of about N83m, which I had to clear. Now, all I am praying for is that God should not let me find myself in a situation where I will leave debt for the next vice chancellor. We have generated more money than the past administration. We have tried,” she said.

The vice chancellor, who scored herself above average in infrastructural development, explained that funding has been a major problem facing all public universities in the country.

“In our own case in a whole year we don’t get budgetary allocation, it is what we generate from school fees we manage and we manage it prudently. And schools fees are paid only once and we have two semesters. So, whatever we generate in our first semester is what we have managed and stretch it through the second semester, without waiting for the for the proprietor, which is Rivers State government to bring money.”


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