Resist tempting globalisation offers of western world, don advises African leaders

Prof Nnamdi Okechukwu Nwaodu
A professor of International Relations, Nnamdi Okechukwu Nwaodu delivering the 19th inaugural lecture of the Igbinedion University Okada (IUO), Edo State titled: Globalisation of Antagonistic Destines Of Wealth And Poverty: The Fascinations and Frustrations Of The African Child, stating that leaders of developing countries must resist the mouth-watering offers of globalisation.

A professor of International Relations, Nnamdi Okechukwu Nwaodu, yesterday, urged African leaders to reject offers of Western capitalist-infused domination and psycho-social dependence that have long sustained poverty in the region, stressing that Africa has capacity for global leadership.

He stated this while delivering the 19th inaugural lecture of the Igbinedion University Okada (IUO), Edo State titled: Globalisation of Antagonistic Destines Of Wealth And Poverty: The Fascinations and Frustrations Of The African Child, stating that leaders of developing countries must resist the mouth-watering offers of globalisation.

Nwaodu, who is a visiting professor to the University of Forth Hare, said: “Without action from Africans themselves, the continent’s economic exploitation and political oppression will continue. African leaders plan for themselves while holding public office, but leave nobody to plan for the region.

“The wind of globalisation has been blowing and all nations and continents have their feel of it, but from all indications, Africa is hard-hit and gropes in the dark.

“Quite unlike China, Africa has remained deluded holding firm onto the wrong side of the stick awaiting victory over poverty by stroke of mercy of the West. From the days of imperialism and colonialism till date, the continent is yet to resist the tempting offers of globalisation.”

Nwaodu lamented that the continent’s reliance on the World Bank and foreign partners for its development.

He went on: “The leaders ceaselessly beg the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other lenders to cancel their debts. They want a World Trade Organisation (WTO) that will permit export of African raw materials without restrictions.

“The day-dreaming has lingered for decades, yet Africa is yet to wake up to the reality. The continent remains where China, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea, United Arab Emirate (UAE) and others left it for long.

“Unfortunately, in the present globalisation, door of leadership is tightened against new entrants.”

The don stressed the need for African leaders to urgently reinvent a continent with capacity to lead a new world, adding: “It must be restated that Africa has potential for development despite much of the views peddled by Europeans that Africans are clueless, depraved and of low intellectual capacity.”

In his remarks, the institution’s vice chancellor, Prof. Lawrence Ezemonye, pointed out that the theme was apt, as it dwelled on the importance of globalisation in contemporary Africa.


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