‘Rising demand for pharmaceuticals, an opportunity to revolutionise local manufacturing’

Mostapha Khalil

Mostapha Khalil is the Group Director, Pharmaconex West Africa. In an interview with TOBI AWODIPE, he divulges his plans for growing and spurring innovation within Nigeria’s local pharmaceutical industry as well as improving local manufacturing capabilities.

What would you say are some challenges facing the West African pharmaceutical industry and how are you looking to address them and capitalise on existing opportunities?
The West African pharmaceutical industry faces significant challenges, including the prevalence of counterfeit products and stringent import regulations. However, these challenges also present opportunities for growth and innovation and Pharmaconex West Africa is strategically positioned to address these challenges by tailoring its objectives to the specific needs of the Nigerian market. Through educational workshops, training sessions and collaboration with international experts and suppliers, we aim to support and boost the development of local manufacturing capabilities, thereby mitigating the risks associated with counterfeit products and import restrictions.

This event has developed a reputation as a leading pharmaceutical gathering in Africa, why did you choose to come to Nigeria now?
Our decision to expand into West Africa, particularly Nigeria, was influenced by several factors. Nigeria is a promising market due to its large and youthful population and recent governmental directives aimed at localising manufacturing, especially pharmaceutical manufacturing. Additionally, extensive market research indicated a significant demand for pharmaceutical products in the region, coupled with an improving infrastructure and a conducive regulatory environment. These factors collectively made Nigeria the ideal choice for our expansion efforts.

With Pharmaconex West Africa co-located with MedlabWest Africa, what synergies do you expect to emerge and how will this benefit Nigeria’s local manufacturing? 
The co-location of both entities presents a unique opportunity for synergy between the pharmaceutical and medical laboratory sectors. With a focus on pharmaceutical laboratory equipment, Medlab complements Pharmaconex’s objectives by providing attendees with access to a comprehensive range of products and services necessary for pharmaceutical manufacturing. This alignment with government objectives to promote local production further enhances the synergy between both events, offering exhibitors and attendees a holistic view of the industry’s ecosystem and potential collaborations.

What type of exhibitors can participants expect to see and what technologies or knowledge should attendees aim to encounter?
A lot, including a wide array of APIs, machinery, packaging materials, finished dosage forms and laboratory equipment, catering to the diverse needs of the industry stakeholders.

How are you looking to ensure participation and engagement from local industry players and professionals?
We have implemented a comprehensive strategy to ensure strong participation and engagement including close collaboration with our partners in Nigeria, such as the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN), the African Packaging Association and the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN). By working closely with these key stakeholders, we ensure that relevant industry players are aware of this and its significance. Our focus is on ensuring high-quality participation and revolutionising the local industry by introducing long-term innovation and partnerships.

Going forward, how are you looking to impact the development and growth of Nigeria’s pharmaceutical sector?
Drawing from the success of our CPHI shows worldwide and the longstanding impact of Pharmaconex in Cairo over the last decade, we have high expectations for Pharmaconex West Africa’s long-term impact on the regional pharmaceutical sector. Just as our show in Egypt has contributed to the growth and development of the local industry there, we anticipate that this will play a similar role in Nigeria. Our goal is to establish Pharmaconex West Africa as the primary platform driving growth, innovation and collaboration within the region’s pharmaceutical industry.


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