Slain Enugu LP senatorial candidate’s kinsmen seek ancestors’ intervention

A fresh dimension was, yesterday, added to the quest for justice for slain Labour Party’s (LP) Enugu East senatorial candidate in the just concluded general elections, Oyibo Chukwu, as his kinsmen converged on their ancestral square, in Amurri ancient kingdom, Nkanu West Council, and invoked the spirit of their ancestors to avenge his death.

The late Chukwu was killed and his corpse set ablaze, alongside others with him in a vehicle, while returning from a political campaign on February 23, in Enugu South Council of the state.

Apparently feeling that justice may not be served on the matter, having waited for over one month for arrest and prosecution of the killers, natives from the four communities that make up the ancient kingdom of Amurri, led by eldest men and two traditional rulers, Igwe Charles Nwoye and Igwe Fidelis Nsiegbu, had gathered at the popular Obodo Okolo Chukwu Ancestral Square as early as 09:00 a.m. to place curses and invoke the spirit of their forefathers, as well as gods of the land to go after those behind the barbaric act.

The two traditional rulers, in separate remarks, stated that they believed strongly in natural justice and philosophy of “live and let live,” urging their ancestors to rise and bring justice to their late son.

The monarchs equally prayed the gods to ensure that anyone involved, directly or indirectly in the unholy act, whether young or old, is made to face the consequences of their nefarious conduct.

“He who kills by sword must surely die by sword,” they added.

Speaking to journalists at the event, younger brother to the late Chukwu, and Senator-elect for Enugu East Senatorial zone, Kelvin Chukwu, expressed appreciation to their Kinsmen for the love and solidarity they have continued to show to the family since the ugly incident.

He thanked the monarchs and elders of the land, stressing that the ritual aimed at seeking natural justice for his deceased brother has never failed the community from inception.


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