Southern Kaduna indigenes in diaspora condemn attacks, killings

• Fault Govt’s Inability To End Carnage
Southern Kaduna indigenes in Diaspora have criticised the recent attacks and killings in Southern Kaduna by suspected Fulani herdsmen. They also query the inability of both the Federal and state governments to end the bloodshed.

The group, under the auspices of Southern Kaduna People in Diaspora (SOKAPDA), Europe, particularly condemned the attacks and killings in Zangon Kataf community, saying: “We condemn the recent mayhem, which occurred on Saturday, April 15, 2023, resulting in the loss of 33 lives and injuries to innocent citizens in Runji village, in the Zangon Kataf Local Council of Kaduna State.”

According to a statement by the Secretary of S0KAPDA, Dr. Janet Nale, yesterday:  “This unprovoked attack occurred barely four months after the mass murder of 38 harmless villagers in Malagum, Kamuru–Ikulu and Abun (Broni Prono), also in Southern Kaduna on December 18, 2022.  A month ago, 17 lives were lost, while an untold number of innocent persons were injured in Ungwan Wakili and other villages in Zangon Kataf Local Council of Kaduna State.”

She said: “We the indigenous people of Southern Kaduna represented by SOKAPDA in Europe find it incomprehensible that human lives seem to have little or no value in Nigeria in general and Kaduna State in particular,” noting, “these attacks are obviously calculated to inflict maximum damage without any consideration for the young, elderly, or women.”

“Those who masterminded the dastardly act sought to execute a scorched earth policy aimed at total extermination of a people. Unfortunately, the real tragedy is that there is no empathy with the dispossessed by the political leadership of the state, as no prominent politician either in the legislature or the executive has made an attempt to visit the violence-prone areas to condole those deprived of lives and limbs, and lack the means to replace damaged shelters.”

Nale continued: “It appears to us in the Diaspora that these innocent souls are on their own. If we may ask, who will speak for them? We expect that retired military personnel of Southern Kaduna extraction would rally support for the vulnerable people of Southern Kaduna by providing the basic skills for self-defence, but they are silent.”

“We also hoped that the Association of Southern Kaduna Lawyers would be in court challenging the unwillingness of the state and Federal governments to positively respond to the cries of our people for respite from incessant attacks by both miscreants and political marauders, but their voices are silent too.”

“How about the Association of Southern Kaduna Doctors, Nurses and Journalists? Why are they not lending their voices to seeking succour for the innocent victims in their midst?  How about the Association of Southern Kaduna women fellowships? Can’t they speak for the innocents being killed? “

“The people of Southern Kaduna have professors, past and serving ministers and other political office holders; yet their voices are not being heard advocating for the security of their kinsmen.  Current and retired teachers of Southern Kaduna extraction should be lending their voices to the plea for help by the innocent victims of these incessant attacks.”

“The Atyab, Bajju, Kagoro, Ikulu, Chawai, Adara associations, etc., must be seen to be speaking up for the victims of violence in their localities. The traditional institution would be most effective if they get together and speak with one voice offering the state and federal government’s advice on how best violence in Southern Kaduna could be avoided, while rallying for material and emotional support to areas devastated by the violence.  These traditional leaders should remind the government that it has the capacity to stem the violence in the area, so it must be seen to act with utmost urgency.”

“Yes, we’ve heard the voice of SOKAPU President, Dio Maisamari. We heard him when he said the power that be know exactly what to do and yet it is not being done.  We also heard the voice of Zubair Abdurra’uf, who spoke about the injustice and the fact that there are policies of exclusion by the government. Yes, we’ve heard the voices of the youths trying to defend their ancestral land with nothing but bare hands and kitchen knives and yet these are being confiscated security authorities as weapons. Yes, we’ve heard the voice of CAN in the state but we also need the national CAN to add to the voice of the state chapter. Yes, we’ve heard the voices of women demonstrating, sometimes half-clad or even naked.”

However, Nale argued: “We in the Diaspora are frustrated that in the 21st Century, technology like phone tracking, geo-orbits satellite, drones and old-fashion spying, etc., are not being fully utilised and deployed to track these blood thirsty marauders. The question is why? ”

“To all intents and purposes, this is a planned case of genocide, and this has turned the peaceful Southern Kaduna that we once knew and love for its beautiful environment and peace loving people into a mass burial site.”


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