SSS warns against unauthorised release of polls result

Department-of-State-of-State-Service-DSSTHE Department of State Services (DSS) has warned against unauthorized announcement of results of elections by any individual or group before the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) concludes its collation exercise.

In a statement issued by its Deputy Director Public Relations, Marilyn Ogar, the DSS says information at its disposal, “has revealed that certain mischievous persons or groups have concluded plans to announce the election results.

“This statement therefore is to advice all citizens of Nigeria, election observers and the International community to disregard election results which are not announced by INEC, as INEC remains the only authentic body authorized to do so.

“Once more, we reiterate our call on all eligible voters to come out and exercise their franchise as security is guaranteed. We also want to seize this opportunity to remind voters to remain vigilant and to warn all those who have no business with the electoral process to keep away from polling units and collation centres.”

