gunmen - Page 2

Terrorists kill LG secretary in Katsina

Daredevil terrorists have killed the Administrative Secretary of Malumfashi Local Government Area (LAG)in Katsina State, Ibrahim Aliyu. The incident, which occurred on Sunday at 8.15 pm, happened after the terrorists surrounded a
4 weeks ago

Gunmen abduct 18 travellers in Ondo

No fewer than 18 travellers were abducted at the weekend by gunmen in Ondo State. The travellers were waylaid around the Irun-Akoko/Imesi Ekiti highway on Saturday evening while en route to Ikare-Akoko,
1 month ago

Gunmen abduct students of Kogi varsity

The Vice Chancellor of the Confluence University of Science and Technology (CUSTECH), Osara, Kogi State, Prof. Abdulrahaman Asipita Salawu, has confirmed that some gunmen invaded the university on Thursday night and abducted
2 months ago