The Companion harps on unity to tackle insecurity challenges

(Photo by AUDU MARTE / AFP)

The Companion (Association of Muslim Men in Business and Professions) has called on Nigerians to be united in the fight against COVID – 19 scourge and its variants by obeying all non-pharmaceutical protocols as directed by the government.

The group emphasised on unity to combat the insecurity challenges the country is battling.

In a statement issued by the National Amir of the association, Alhaji Thabit Wale Sonaike, to felicitate with Muslims all over the world on the occasion of 1442 AH Eid-El-Adha celebration, Sonaike, said that the government must promote unity in its policies and actions.

“Nigeria need stronger unity as a country now more than ever before in the face of banditry and other forms of insecurity.

“We must all shun the call for dismemberment of Nigeria. We all need each other and should focus on those things that bind us together.

“All sections of the country must be made to have a sense of belonging and freedom to achieve their aspirations both politically and economically,” he said

He urged the National Assembly to accelerate work on the constitutional review and ensure that the amendment is in line with the aspiration of all sections of the country to promote our democracy, unity and progress.

“On behalf of myself and the entire members of The Companion, I felicitate and rejoice with all Muslims all over the world on this occasion of the Eid-el –Adha festivities and celebrations. May Allah accept our sacrifices and reward us abundantly. Aamin.

“As we individually and collectively slaughter our rams and other permissible animals in true worship of Allah, we should remain guided by the spirit and intent of the exercise which is the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son in obedience to the command of Allah.

We must also remember to give out a share of the ram to the poor and less privileged, as well as neighbours to put everybody in the mood of celebration.”

He prayed to Allah (SWT) to descend His mercy upon humanity and remove the scourge of insecurity and COVID-19, enable Muslims from all over the world to resume the performance of the hajj and umrah rites.


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