The Easiest 5-Step Pink Lemonade Cocktail Recipe

Pink Lemonade. Photo – Tasting Table

When the sun is shining and you’re in the mood for a vibrant and thirst-quenching cocktail, look no further than the delightful Pink Lemonade Cocktail.

This drink combines the flavours of lemonade with a splash of fruity sweetness, resulting in a refreshing and visually appealing beverage.

It’s time to elevate your gatherings with this sensational pink lemonade cocktail recipe.


To create the perfect Pink Lemonade Cocktail, gather the following ingredients:
– 2 ounces vodka
– 4 ounces pink lemonade (store-bought or homemade)
– 1 ounce cranberry juice
– 1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
– Ice cubes
– Lemon slices, fresh berries, or mint leaves for garnish


1. Prepare the serving glass: Begin by selecting a stylish glass for your cocktail. You can use a highball glass or a mason jar for a rustic touch. Fill it with ice cubes to chill the glass while you prepare the cocktail.

2. Mix the ingredients: In a cocktail shaker, combine the vodka, pink lemonade, cranberry juice, and freshly squeezed lemon juice. If you prefer a sweeter cocktail, you can add a teaspoon of simple syrup or adjust the cranberry juice quantity to taste. Shake the mixture vigorously for about 15 seconds to ensure it’s well combined and chilled.

READ ALSO: Cool Down With The Perfect Lemonade Using This Recipe

3. Strain and pour: Remove the ice cubes from the serving glass and strain the cocktail mixture into the glass, allowing it to fill to the top. The straining process helps to remove any pulp or ice shards, resulting in a smoother texture.

4. Garnish and serve: Garnish the drink with a lemon slice, fresh berries, or a sprig of mint leaves, adding a touch of visual appeal. Stir gently to mix the flavors and present your creation to your guests.

5. Optional variations: Feel free to get creative with your cocktail. You can add a splash of sparkling water or soda for a fizzy twist. Additionally, consider adding a few dashes of bitters, such as grapefruit or raspberry, to enhance the complexity of flavours.

Tips for the perfect pink lemonade cocktail:

1. Experiment with different brands of pink lemonade to find the one that suits your taste preferences. You can also make your own pink lemonade by combining freshly squeezed lemon juice with a sweetener of your choice and a small amount of cranberry juice for the pink hue.

2. Adjust the sweetness and tartness of the cocktail by adding more or less cranberry juice and lemon juice. Feel free to customise the proportions to suit your personal taste.

3. For a mock tail version, simply omit the vodka and increase the amount of pink lemonade and cranberry juice accordingly.

4. To make a larger batch for a gathering, multiply the ingredients accordingly and mix them in a pitcher. Remember to adjust the quantities to maintain the desired balance of flavours.

Enjoy this sweet drink of goodness!


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