These Five High Fibre Foods Will Help Your Child’s Digestion 

The level at which the price of staple foods continue to rise is alarming. This, however, should not stop us and our children from eating well and eating right, especially fibre-rich foods. While we hope to eat right, sometimes, all that deliciousness can leave our children feeling sluggish or bloated.

That’s where fibre comes in. Fibre plays a very important role in maintaining a healthy digestive system. It is a natural part of plants that our bodies can’t fully digest, and so it passes into the intestine where it absorbs water. This undigested fibre helps the intestinal muscles in moving waste out of the body.

Fibre helps keep things moving smoothly, preventing constipation and importantly helps us remain for for the day’s task. Fibre serves as superheroes for our body system. Every child needs them too.

Most people don’t get enough fibre, because they think it is very expensive, but here are ten Nigerian foods that are high in fibre and also help in digestion.

1. Beans and lentils

Beans like black-eyed peas (ewa oloyin) and brown beans are rich in fibre. You can get them from hawkers provided they are neat. Better still, you turn them into bean cakes (akara). Lentils (masaur) are another great option.

2. Vegetables

Enjoy all green leaves. Leafy greens like spinach (efo), jute leaves (ewedu), and pumpkin leaves (ugu) are packed with fibre. Consider how affordable they are, and they come in varieties, leaving you with many options. You can also go for okra, carrots, and sweet potatoes.

3. Whole grains

Rather than go with white rice or white bread, choose brown rice (ofada), millet (gero), or whole-wheat flour (fulawa). These whole grains have more fibre and will fill your stomach until you are ready to have another quality meal. Meanwhile, you can turn them into our local jollof rice, the northern tuwo, or our very own agege bread.

4. Plantain

All plantains are a good source of fibre, providing between 4.5 to 6 grams per plantain, which is 16–21% of the recommended daily value. For an even healthier option, try making or buying boli. It is roasted and not necessarily fried. Aside from that, plantains also add a touch of sweetness to any meal.

READ ALSO: ‘High-fibre diets reduce arthritis risk by 61%’

5. Ogbono soup

Ogbono soup is made with ogbono seeds. These tiny seeds are surprisingly high in fibre. This means that you have a rich meal depending on the kind of swallow you choose to go with it.

By incorporating these fibre-rich ingredients and making small changes, you can keep your child’s body system happy and healthy. And even yours too.


  • Kareem Azeez

    Kareem Azeez is a dynamic journalist with years of media experience, he crafts captivating content for social and digital platforms.