From Emeka Anuforo, Abuja

THE United Nations has tasked Nigeria and other countries of the world to explore space science and technology option for development.

Director General of the National Space Research and Development Agency, Dr. Seidu Mohammed, who stated this at a national media workshop in Lokoja recently, stressed that in the past five decades, the developed world through the United Nations had devoted so much time to space science and technology.


UN tasks Nigeria on science, tech option for development

He added: “The United Nations has constituted several committee for space development, because it is not only a measure for development, but it is also a toll for technological revolution in any society.

“Therefore, it behooves on us as a nation to explore the immense potentials of space science and technology for the overall development of our beloved country.”

He assured that the Nigerian national space policy programme was on course. The policy aims to make space research and development activities part of he strategies for sustainable national development.

His words, “In NASRDA, we have a clear vision of our mandate and to achieve those targets as encapsulated in our roadmap, we have consciously embarked on a plan of action aimed at actualising desired goals. The attainment of these targets such as producing an indigenous satellite or launching a rocket from Nigeria soil, will not only be a thing of national pride and prestige, but can take the country to greater heights in terms of technological development with its attendant socio-economic benefit. We can do it and we will surely do it.”

On the state of things at the space agency, he assured that NARSDA had been repositioned to contribute meaningfully to Nigeria.

His words: “Given the right mix of resources and talent we have with the moral support and guidance of our stakeholders, we shall put Nigeria in an enviable position as an active player in the field of space science and technology.”

He added: “The success of science and technology depends on how we can prove our worth as a nation to the outside world of what we can do. Even nations that missed out during the industrial revolution have arrived and are today being ranked among the industrialized nations of the world.”

“Therefore, all hope is not lost for space as convergence of several technology and the moment you can launch a satellite, you are not only on the right path, but also revered for taking a very bold step, a very bold step in this regard.”

