Use PVC to enthrone genuine leadership, group urges Nigerians

Chris Irekamba
Christian Conscience Group (CCG), a non-political organisation, has urged Nigerians to take advantage of the ongoing voter registration exercise to enthrone genuine leadership in the country.

In a statement jointly signed by the group’s National President, Dr. Yetunde Akinluyi and the general secretary, Rev’d Kolawole Verralls, noted that sitting at home to criticise political leaders of bad governance will not move the country forward or change any situation for good.

It, therefore, admonished Nigerians that are of voting age to register and obtain their Permanent Voters Cards (PVC) and elect credible leaders.

“We have watched with dismay how Nigerians, especially the youths stay aloof, but criticise every move of the government, especially on social media platforms. We want them to show more interest in the political processes. The best way to get involved is for them to get their PVCs.

“We have realised that most of the online political commentators and agitators do not possess PVC, yet their voices are the loudest when issues of governance are raised. How can you change bad leadership when you do not have the weapon to do so, which is your PVC,” the statement noted in part.

According to the national president, CCG is not just calling Nigerians to register, but to come out in their large numbers, to locate their polling units and register within their localities.

“Nigeria can only be great if committed Christians, people with the fear of God and high credibility are elected to lead,” she said.


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