Vesta Orchestra presents Afri-Classical Concert today

Vesta Orchestra on stage

The Vesta Orchestra is set to thrill classical music audience and enthusiasts today with the best of classical music, as it holds the January 2022 edition of the Afri-Classical Concert Series at the Terra Kulture Arena, Victoria Island, Lagos.

An independent group, the Vesta Orchestra has up to 40 musicians, who are dedicated to the promotion of music by Nigerian contemporary composers.

According to Rosalyn Aninyei, founder of the Vesta Orchestra, “it promises to bring a breath of fresh air to the musical offerings in the city, as African music is richer and more complex than just the Afrobeat. The series aims to promote indigenous Afri-Classical composers by curating and performing their works regularly and also promote the unique Nigerian music genre, which is highlife and Afri-Classical, so as not to lose composed music due to lack of records.”

Aninyei said, “the concert series also aims to serve an ignored audience demographic – the classical arts and music lovers, encourage music compositions by contemporary composers and finally to draw international attention to the variety of formal and informal musical talent on the continent.”

She added this edition is no different from what it had been since inception, “as it promises to be an exciting evening filled with Nigerian highlife, opera excerpts, ballet and art music.”

The first Afri-Classical Concert of 2022 is supported by Music in Africa Live, an initiative of the Music In Africa Foundation (MIAF) in partnership with the German Federal Foreign Office, Siemens Stiftung and Goethe-Institut.

Founded by Rosalyn Aninyei, the orchestra will be conducted by Fope Onalaja.


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