Viju rewards loyal distributors

APPRECIATING them for their immense contribution to the company’s success story in the outgone year, the management of Viju Industries has regaled and rewarded its distributors for their unalloyed loyalty and total cooperation.

  At the event which held recently at its Igbesa, Ado-Odo Ota factory in Ogun State, the organisation’s Managing Director, Mr. Tom Ku, while thanking the partners for keeping faith with the establishment in the midst of the prevailing economic challenges in the country, seized the occasion to clarify the motive behind the introduction of some innovative products by the firm last year.

 Bemoaning the unstable exchange rates and inflation which were never friendly to business activities during the year under review, he, however, applauded the distributors for still being there for one of the nation’s leading dairy manufacturers.

   Ku said: The year 2014 was a very remarkable year. It was a year we experienced many difficulties and challenges like increased prices in raw materials and also experienced low sales, but with your joint efforts we went through the year successfully with a good report.”

   He continued: “In 2014, the company was able to successfully introduce into the market 210ml banana, wheat milk drinks and Mr. V Premium water and the water brand made wave. We were able to sell 200,000 cartoons in less than three months of its introduction to the market. We believe with efforts of our esteemed distributors, in 2015, Mr. V Premium water will become a household brand like Viju milk.”

   Also speaking, the Marketing Manager, Mr. Suleiman Aliu, sought more support of the distributors to consolidate the company’s market share in the new year.

 He said: “We need the cooperation of the distributors to succeed more in 2015. With hardwork, loyalty, punctuality, endurance, obedience and honesty, we can make 2015 a successful year.”

  On their part, the distributors urged the organization to always carry them along in policy formulation and decision-making.

 The highlights of the event were presentations of cash and awards to outstanding distributors.

