Wayas: Senate bemoans delayed burial 14 months after death 

Joseph Wayas
Joseph Wayas

The Senate has expressed disappointment over prolonged preservation, in a London Hospital mortuary, of the remains of Second Republic President of Senate, Joseph Wayas, 14 months after demise.

Wayas passed on November 20, 2021 and his remains deposited at the morgue of the London Hospital where he was hospitalised.

Fourteen months after. the Senate, through a motion moved by Gershom Bassey (PDP, Cross River South), declared that the delay in burial of the former Senate President was embarrassing to the Senate and the Federal Government.

The red chamber, therefore, called on the Federal Government to evacuate the remains of the deceased from the London Hospital for befitting burial in the country, just as it also called for his immortalisation.

Sen. Bassey, in his lead debate on the motion, indicated that the remains of Wayas had been in mortuary of a London Hospital since November 2021 after his death.

He suggested that the Senate should urgently take over the burial plans of the deceased to save the country from further embarrassment.


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