We cannot achieve much without love – First Lady tells Christians

Oluremi Tinubu

The First Lady, Senator Oluremi Tinubu, on Tuesday received the leadership of the African Biblical Leadership Initiative (ABLI) with a call on the Christian community in the continent and Nigeria in particular to go beyond religious sentiments and tolerate one another.

The delegation which was led by the Former Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon was in her office at the State House Abuja, to sensitize the First Lady on the forthcoming 2024 International Conference of ABLI scheduled for Nigeria in October.

The wife of the President noted that the church must harp more on biblical values, especially for the youth, adding that “Nigeria needs a lot of prayers at this time, especially for the youth. It is very good for us to begin to train the youth and give them a proper mindset.”

According to the First Lady, “the teachings in our churches should be biblical value-based so that we can get a better nation.”

Mrs. Tinubu urged the leadership of ABLI to continue with their various programmes as a way of enhancing the spirituality of not only Nigerian Leaders but Africa in general.

“African nations have a lot in common and we should come together to address some of the issues affecting us.”

Earlier in his remarks, the former Head of State and Leader of the delegation, General Yakubu Gowon said the organization seeks to bring about transformation of African nations through leadership with biblical values.

He noted that ABLI is a non-partisan organization, poised to raise a new generation of highly principled leaders with value for Justice, Value for Integrity, value for wisdom, and value for social harmony.

The International Conference of the African Biblical Leadership Initiative was instituted in 2010 and has its conference every 2 years with the venue rotated among various African countries. The last one was held in Rwanda.

Nigeria is hosting the next edition with the theme, Value Based Leadership For Africa on the 21st to 25th of October 2024.


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