‘Why new tourism plan is desirable’

Travel and TourismPresident Muhammadu Buhari has been implored to convoke a stakeholders’ summit that will put in place an enduring development plan in the tourism sector of the country.

The Chairman, Leisure Spring Hotels, Osogbo and Ondo, Mr Akinniyi Johnson, made the call in a statement against the background of this year’s yearly Osun Osogbo festival.

Akinniyi pointed out that such a gathering would assist the nation in charting the needed course in making the sector more viable beyond rhetoric.

Àccording to him, at its full optimisation, the sector would revolutionalise the hospitality industry by serving as the springboard for it to meet international standard.
He said the contributions of the sector to the growth of the nation’s economy in this direction, would be multi-dimensional, noting that it would lead to employment and revenue generation.
Owing to the current dictates of the world economy occasioned by the falling oil prices, Akinniyi advised that it was time the country look inward by not relying solely on the oil sector.
“ Honestly, more than ever before, this is the time to look inwards as a people. We should stop focusing on oil alone.

This is drawing us into an unfathomable abyss rather than being a blessing. Many countries of the world do not have oil, yet they are doing great on all fronts through tourism”
Akiñniyi who insisted that the country did not have any reason to be poor, averred that the nation was blessed with alluring tourism sites that could turn the attention of the world to Nigeria,if properly harnessed.
“ we have cultural sites such as Osun Grove, Idanre Hills and Argungu Festival, among others, that can turn the fortunes of the country and its people around.

Meanwhile, he has urged both the Federal and the Osun State Governments to make the Osun Osogbo which has been listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, more dynamic in line with international practice.

