‘Why WAEC withheld results of 3,968 candidates’

WAEC exam
The West African Examination Council (WAEC) has explained that it withheld the results of 3,968 candidates in 2021 because of malpractice.

According to the examination body, the cases, representing 7.71 per cent of the number that sat for the examination, are being investigated and reports of the investigation will be presented to the appropriate committee of the council for determination.

The committee’s final decision will, thereafter, be communicated to the affected candidates, The Guardian gathered yesterday.

Head of Nigeria National office of WAEC, Patrick Areghan, stated, yesterday, at the WAEC office, Yaba, Lagos, that 49,584 candidates, representing 96.38 per cent had their results fully processed and released, while 1,860 (3.62 per cent) had a few of their subjects still being processed due to some errors on the part of the candidates.

A total of 52,973 candidates registered for the examination, but 51,444 candidates sat for it.

Also, 131 candidates with special needs were registered for the examination. Out of the number, 10 were visually challenged, nine had impaired hearing, eight had low vision, four were spastic-cum-mentally challenged and three were physically challenged.

Of the 51,444 that sat for the examination, 25,026 were males while 26,418 females.


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