Zebulon Homes bridges the knowledge gaps in the real estate industry

Zebulon HomesOn the 4th & 5th May 2023, Zebulon Homes and Properties Limited hosted a Real Estate Master Class in Lagos State for aspiring real estate professionals and existing real estate professionals.

The Master Class covered key areas like goal setting, Vision Board, Client Relationship Management, Selling skills for High network individuals, how to conduct due diligence on a real estate investment, the business of real estate and relevant land titles types in Lagos.

The participants were inspired, transformed and fired up to deliver excellent services to their clients and bring the best practices to bear in handling of their business operations.

The Real Estate Master Class was facilitated by Dr. Ambassador Ekene Ndubude, the Chief Executive Director of Zebulon Homes and Properties Limited. After the sessions, certificate of attendance were handed over to the participants whose life were transformed by the knowledge shared in this two days. The CEO, will be holding an online Edition of the Real Estate Master Class in a fortnight for people who couldn’t attend to this onsite In-demand Real Estate Master Class.
